Contact the Registrar of Unions

How to phone, email or write to us

Find out how to contact us by phone, email or post with an enquiry about registered unions.

Phone us

We're open for your calls Monday to Friday — 8.30am to 5pm, excluding public holidays.

Your location Number
New Zealand Freephone: 0508 762 438
Any other country Phone: +64 3 962 2705

Getting help with phone calls

If your English isn't fluent, you can use our interpreting service, Language Line.

If you're deaf or have difficulty hearing, you can use the video relay service.

If you're speaking to a Client Service Advisor about an issue you're having with our online services, they may ask to view your screen so they can understand what’s going on.

Sharing your screen with our contact centre

Email us

Use our online form to email us. We aim to reply within 3 working days — or sooner if we can.

Email us

Write to us

Registrar of Unions
Companies Office
Private Bag 92061
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142

For enquiries about strikes and lockouts or collective agreements

Strike or lockout notices must be sent to Employment Services either by email or post.

Employment Services is also responsible for receiving copies of ratified collective employment agreements.

More information about strikes and lockouts and collective agreements is on the Employment New Zealand website.