Searching for a screen industry organisation

Information recorded for registered screen industry organisations, and how to find it

Registered screen industry organisations are listed on the Incorporated Societies Register. You can search this register free of charge for information about registered organisations and their status.

What you can search for

You can search for any society that’s a registered screen industry organisation.

Start your search by typing a term into the search field in the register, either enter the organisation’s name (or part of its name), its incorporation number or New Zealand Business Number (NZBN).

On our register we hold information for each registered screen industry organisation, including its rules, its annual return of members and its Certificate of Registration. The Certificate of Registration confirms:

  • the date the organisation registered under the Screen Industry Workers Act 2022 (SIWA), and
  • whether they’re an engager organisation or a worker organisation.

You can also see some information about the organisation, including its:

  • legal name
  • incorporation number
  • New Zealand Business Number
  • date of incorporation
    (this is when the organisation first registered as an incorporated society)
  • addresses
  • officer details (where they have been provided).

Documents you can download

You can download copies of any public documents, including its annual return of members and copies of its annual financial statements. Select the ‘Filings’ tab to see a list of documents or updates filed on the register.

You can also request a copy of the organisation’s certificate of incorporation.

Search for a registered screen industry organisation

Organising your search results

You can sort your results by ascending or descending order, and you also have the choice of exporting your results either as a PDF or Excel file.