Contact our Data Services team

What can we help you with?

Use this form if:

Contact details
Request details

Please complete the fields below —

  • if a search of one of our registers (e.g. Companies Register) has returned more than 1000 results,
  • for one-off data requests,
  • for a custom data extract (such as one limited by dates or location), or
  • for any non-public data (such as information about a company authority).

See what data is available

To assist us in fulfilling your request, please state the specific data fields you are after, as set out in 'available data'.

Please be aware that requests for entire copies of the public register will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may not be able to be fulfilled.

In addition, please note that requests for restricted, confidential and/or personal information may not be able to be fulfilled.

Registers you'd like data from: (required)
Time period: (required)
Purpose of data request: (required)
This helps us manage and plan our service.
I confirm that I am: (required)

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